Course Tutor / Instructor, ‘Children’s Books in England, 1470-1980’ London Rare Books School, Institute of English Studies, University of London. 30 June – 4 July 2008; 20-24 July 2009; 28 June – 2 July 2010; 27 June – 1 July 2011; 25-29 June 2012; 24-28 June 2013; 23-27 June 2014; 20-24 June 2016
Course Supervisor, Trinity Comprehensive Paper (TRN377Y), “Children and Reading: Juvenile Literacy in Britain, 1600-1850”, Trinity College, University of Toronto, 2016-2017
Conference Organizer
‘Rethinking the History of Childhood: Narratives, Sources, Debates’; Centre for the Study of Play & Recreation, University of Greenwich. Co-organized with Mary Clare Martin, Childhood Studies Programme & Director of the Centre for the Study of Play & Recreation, University of Greenwich, a conference held January 14, 2012
‘Enduring Trifles: Writing the History of Childhood with Ephemera’. Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University. Co-organized with Andrea Immel, Curator, Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University, a conference held February 17-19, 2011

‘Education & Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century (1688-1832)’. Faculty of Education & Homerton College, University of Cambridge. Co-organized with Mary Hilton, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, a conference held September 8-10, 2005
Co-ordinator, Selection Committee, Justin G. Schiller Prize for Bibliographical Work on Pre-20th-Century Children’s Books, Bibliographical Society of America, 2013-2015 prize cycle
Consultant & Member, Advisory Committee, “One Hundred Books Famous in Children’s Literature”, Grolier Club, New York, 2014-2015
Member, Selection Committee, Justin G. Schiller Prize for Bibliographical Work on Pre-20th-Century Children’s Books, Bibliographical Society of America, 2010-2012 prize cycle
Librarian-Exhibitions & Publications, Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books, Toronto Public Library, 1980-1996, responsible for: curating & designing exhibitions; researching & writing exhibition catalogues & bibliographies; co-ordinating editing, design & printing of all Collection publications; cataloguing games & toys; developing cataloguing modifications as required; lecturing on a wide variety of subjects related to historical children’s books to groups from schools, community colleges, universities, scholarly conferences &c.; member, Boys & Girls Book Selection Committee, Toronto Public Library, 1988-1994; Lillian H. Smith Building & Building Implementation Committees, 1981-1995. Assistant / para-professional, Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books, Toronto Public Library, 1975-1980
President, Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, 1997-99
Canadian corresponding editor, Phaedrus, an International Journal of Children’s Literature Research, 1981-1983
Professional Organizations
- Bibliographical Society of America
- Children’s Books History Society
- Ephemera Society (Great Britain)
- Friends of the Osborne & Lillian H. Smith Collections
- History of Education Society (Great Britain)
- Royal Historical Society
- Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing