Conference Papers, Seminars & Specialist Presentations

Jill Shefrin -

‘Such Constant Affectionate Care’: Experiences in Research in Special Collections of Children’s Books. A presentation to the Friends of the Osborne & Lillian H. Smith Collections, New York, 20 January 2015

Tempting Children to Read in Early Modern Britain & America. Journeys through Bookland: Explorations in Children’s Literature. A colloquium held at the Grolier Club, New York, 20 January 2015. Available online at

‘Miss Silvia Reads like a Great Woman’: The Education of a Young Girl in Eighteenth-century London. Transnationalism, Gender & Teaching: Perspectives from the History of Education, annual conference of the History of Education Society (UK), University College, Dublin, 21-23 November 2014

Silvia Cole’s Book: The Education of a Young Girl in Pictures. Paper for a joint panel with Michele Cohen, Ann Shteir, Sally Gregory Kohlstedt & Carol Percy, ‘Communicating across Borders of Knowledge: Practices & Pedagogies, 1700-1830s’, Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, Toronto, 22-25 May 2014

‘Pictures for Young Tarry-at-Home Travellers’: Visual Representations of Other Cultures for British Children Before 1870. Putting the Figure on the Map: Imagining Sameness & Difference for Children, a conference held at the Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University, 11-13 September 2013

‘Pasted on Boards, for Hanging Up in Nurseries’: The Engraver, the Printer & the Juvenile Novelty Market, 1660-1825. Research into the History of Children’s Book Publishing 1744-1820, Children’s Books History Society Study Day, London, 11 May 2013

Politeness, Politics, Piety & the Popular Press: Aspects of Juvenile Education & the Print Trades in the Long Eighteenth Century. Rethinking the History of Childhood: Narratives, Sources, Debates, a conference held at the Centre for the Study of Play & Recreation, University of Greenwich, 14 January 2012

‘Here’s the Product of My Hand & Quill’: English Children’s ‘School Pieces’. Institute of English Studies Director’s Seminar Series, University of London, 19 October 2011

‘A Delightful Recreation for the Industrious’: English Children’s ‘School Pieces’. Enduring Trifles: Writing the History of Childhood with Ephemera, a conference held at the Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University, 17-20 February 2011

‘Good Health in the Land of Mother Goose’: Health & Medicine in Early Children’s Books. University of Greenwich, 23 November 2010

‘Mr. Darton Was Induced to Publish’: Booksellers & the Early Infant School Market. The Bibliographical Society (London), 17 March 2009

Educating the Child in Enlightenment Britain with Mary Hilton, University of Cambridge. University of London Research Seminar: Education in the Long Eighteenth Century, Institute of Historical Research, 14 March 2009

‘A Ready Way for Children to Learn’: Printed Educational Pastimes & Progressive Educational Theory in Early Modern Britain. Children’s Literature lecture series, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 23 April 2008

‘Aids to Improvement & Pleasure’: Aspects of the Education of Elite Girls in Georgian England. Jane Austen Society of North America, Toronto Chapter, 16 September 2007

Nursery Instruction: Cartographical Novelties for Georgian & Victorian Children. Maps & Society lecture series, The Warburg Institute, London, 17 May 2007

‘Prints for Infant Schools’: The Darton Publishing Firms & the Infant School Market in England, 1787-1840. Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing, The Hague, 11-15 July 2006

‘Allure Learning’s Imps Along the Dreary Path’: Visual Aids & Educational Pastimes in Early Modern Education. Guest seminar for Froebel College, Roehampton University, 28 March 2006

‘An Assemblage of Games, Puzzles & Prints’: Problems in the Research & Bibliographic Description of Some Unusual Materials. Guest seminar for the graduate programme in Book History & Print Culture Studies, University of Toronto, 9 February 2006

‘Prints for Infant Schools’: The Print Trades & the Educational Market Reflected in the Early Years of the Darton Firms (1787-1840). Education & Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century (1688-1832), a conference sponsored by the Faculty of Education & Homerton College, University of Cambridge, & the History of Education Society (Great Britain), 8-10 September 2005

Play & Propaganda: Political & Cultural Propaganda in Children’s Games from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day. Trinity College, University of Toronto, 8 March 2005

‘Governesses to their Children’: Mothers & the Education of Royal & Aristocratic Daughters in the Reign of George III. Centre for Women’s Studies & Feminist Research, University of Western Ontario; Early Modern Society, University of Western Ontario, 14 February 2005

‘I Have Gained Their Affection by Making Their Learning as Much Play as Possible’: Education of Royal & Aristocratic Daughters in the Reign of George III. Children’s Books History Society / Textbook Colloquium Study Day, British Schools Museum, 21 June 2003

Early Children’s Books & Educational Toys: Interdisciplinary Objects of Study. Trinity College, University of Toronto, 5 March 2003

‘I Have Gained Their Affection by Making Their Learning as Much Play as Possible’: Education of Royal & Aristocratic Daughters in the Reign of George III. Seen & Heard: The Place of the Child in Early Modern Europe, 1550-1800, a conference held at the Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University, 18-20 April 2002

‘Parlour Travellers’: Educational Pastimes for Teaching Geography to the Young, 1750-1840. Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers, August 2001

‘Parlour Travellers’: Geographical Games & Pastimes in Eighteenth-century Education, a Preliminary Study. Research Seminar: British History in the Long Eighteenth Century, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 16 May 2001

‘Pious Child’s Delight’: Evangelical Writing for Children in the Osborne Collection. ALA-American Theological Library Association Conference, June 1991. Published as an annotated bibliography in the ALA-ATLA Summary of Proceedings, 45th Annual Conference 1991 (1992): 207-226

Themes in E. Nesbit’s Fantasies. Fantasy in Children’s Literature lecture series. Toronto Public Library / Enoch Turner Schoolhouse, 1980